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460 4444

Scheme 2012 to Dec 2017

From:  65 / month


SKU: N/A Category:


As life goes on, funeral planning starts to become important. So if you are young and single, you just graduated and now entering the job market, you are probably not thinking about a funeral plan. On the other hand, if you are the main provider for your parents and siblings, it is something you should think about.

Having a funeral plan is particularly important, as it can protect your loved ones when the unexpected happens. The funeral plan will prevent your family from having to spend on funeral expenses themselves when you are no longer around.

Policy terms and conditions :

Waiting period

  • 6 months for a natural death
  • Instant cover in the case of an accidental death
  • 12 months for a suicide

Additional information


Silver Plan, Gold Plan, Platinum Plan, Senior Prepaid

Age Range

0-65, 65+, 65-74, 65-75, 75+, Family, Prepaid 85+ (50m)